milky way


Stephen Bailey
Webmaster and Co-founder
Aotearoa / New Zealand

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Stephen Bailey (formerly writing as Hansha Teki) is currently living in Ōtaki on the Kapiti Coast of Aotearoa (New Zealand), under the name he was born with, with his wife and two adult children.

His work from his last decade of writing has appeared in a number of journals and anthologies including Simply Haiku, Cattails, The Heron's Nest, Right Hand Pointing, Bones, Otata, NOON, Sonic Boom, Failed Haiku, Prune Juice, Frogpond, Under the Basho, moongarlic, ubu, Human/Kind Journal, Contemporary Haibun Online, Haibun Today, Narrow Road, Drifting Sands, Red River Book of Haibun, A New Resonance 11, naad anunaad, number eight wire, A Vast Sky, Behind the Mask, Weird Laburnum, The Other Bunny, Heliosparrow, Faces and Places, Lothlorien Poetry Journal.

Publications include Triptych, a collaboration with fellow Under the Basho editors Don Baird and Kala Ramesh (Red Moon Press); Memories of the Future, a collaboration with Clayton Beach (Heliosparrow Press); Bipedal Verses (Heliosparrow Press), Interwords (self-published pamphlet)