Personal Best
A single haiku submitted by their authors to represent their "personal best".
creeping sepia
the rustle of non-humans
at first light
1st Place, The Modern Kigo Competition
judges: Alan Peat and Réka Nyitrai
(February 2022)
autumn slacktide -
the beach's emptiness trails
onto snow crabs
Wales Haiku Journal - Autumn 2022
half moon
my hands no longer know
how to sing
cinching his belt
another notch tighter,
webb telescope –
I still can't locate
my grandma
Nick Virgilio's Haiku In Action (June 11 - June 17)
cake in the oven...
a magpie back and forth
from a pine
The Heron's Nest Volume XXIV, Number 3: September, 2022
fireflies the synchronicity of it all
Nagasaki . . .
in her belly, the sound
of unopened mail
First Place, HaikuNow! (The Haiku Foundation, 2013);
The Haiku Foundation's Touchstone Award (2013)
your absence
in my hands
Modern Haiku 49.2, 2018
in the mirror
childhood memories
Runner up Golden Triangle Haiku Contest 2022
(selected to be displayed on a sign that will be posted in a tree box along our neighborhood sidewalks, March 2022)
life in exile —
blurring the Milky Way
this war
shards of moonlight
the hedgerow still broken
from the winter winds
Blithe Spirit 32.3
sea shell —
the old man curls
into a fetus
the nearness of nothing
snow hare
slipping through
our memories
Runner up BHS Awards 2021,
published in Blithe Spirit 32.3, 2022
emergency room
a paperback
with a broken spine
Prune Juice, Issue #30, March 2020
re-published in jar of rain: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku 2020
ripe sun
a nutmeg
unshackled from its shell
The World Haiku Review, Summer Issue, August 2021, Shintai Haiku,
Zatsuei - Haiku of Merit
tamped into earth
a fragile cutting
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal 2022
Best of Issue Honorable Mention
white morning
on grandfather's grave
fox footprints
Frogpond vol.44.1 Winter 2021
Haiku Commentary 13.06.2022
sunrise sea water swirls his ashes at my ankles
whiptail: issue 4: humbled vessel, August 2022
cold snap -
a lump of dried bandage
in his old gloves
The Heron's Nest, Volume XXIV, Number 2: June 2022
the last breath of autumn
it dissipates
The Japan Society (Haiku Corner 2022 - Week 38)
fireflies ...
where have you all gone
my childhood friends
Тhe 31st ITO EN Oi Ocha Shinhaiku Contest, Sponsors’ Award, 2020
ghost wind
blowing its last note
a cumulonimbus
First Place, Third Annual Maya Lyubenova Haiku Contest
outside the sky within roles
Bones - journal for the short verse, Issue 24, October 2022
dying river—
the dog finds a new way
to the graveyard
Autumn Moon, Issue 5:2, Spring/Summer 2022
eye of the storm
not even the wind
wants me
H. Gene Murtha Memorial Senryu Contest 2022 - Honorable Mention
reading Lorca
– a tangerine's droplet
on the page
Otata 23
cherry blossoms…
if only they could heal
the moon after eclipse
flori de cireş…
de-ar putea vindeca
luna după eclipsă