
Houses turn into merciless creatures, though, if you walk away and abandon them. They will not forget, they will never forgive you. I moved to a town center attic, a dream flat with a tiny terrace and an awesome view over the roofs. Quite suddenly, in a few months, I left my old house where I had started my married life. I packed my books, clothes and kitchenware and I left a lot of things behind. Actually, I had promised to go back and see if something was still worth it.

Time passed. In a blink, I realized that nearly ten years had passed. One day, as we were considering selling the house, I decided I could no longer wait.

after moving
the shadow of her drawings
still on the wall

Everything turned out to be hard from the very start. The key got stuck, the door was scratching the floor and the heavy blinds would not go up or sideways. As I walked from room to room, I heard unfamiliar noises, as if something was stepping away. Heavy layers of dust all over the place threatened that I was not entitled to touch anything.

There was no sign of happiness. As if the neglected injuries seep through torn wallpaper and chipped tiles. Cobwebs at every corner. I feel I was an intruder, surrounded by hostile looks with leftover outlines of furniture.  Disheartened, I tiptoed away, restoring her quiet.

abandoned –
I feel spied
by sneering tenants