milky way
parched mouths
more water in our tears
than the river
beneath heat and dust
monsoon dreams        
one foot
in front of the other
a mirage pulls
echo on echo
late-night sirens
young screech-owls
round moon eyes
full of new worlds
tilt under autumn winds
cool overtones 
leaves turning the colors 
of bruises 
book falls open
to an old love letter
carved hearts
how many rings
in 4ever
candlelight dinner
the flame sputters out
orb of darkness
slides across the sun
temporary night
theater lights go down
fumbling hands
frost moon 
breaking the ice 
between us 
the sky comes undone
flurry of snowflakes
gray, not white
how different I look
at clouds
family hike
roots we trip over                   
primrose petals
white tatters
sweeten the wind
Chinese pistache
waxing not waning
across the trail
the first whiptails—
and they’re off
life’s Olympics
less sprint than marathon
Japanese trials
Basho’s long walk
up Mt. Fuji                             
filled with syllables
short-lived huts
glass of iced tea
sweats in the shade
shriek of cicadas
orange crown of flames
cactus flowers
his ginger hair
and freckled chest
my weak heart
touch in the night
salt of your skin
wooing me
with sautéed garlic
tender heat
blue porchlight
still you’re not home
harvest moon
sails a darkened sky
ripe persimmons
creating an ofrenda 
for Día de los Muertos 
orange scents
of pan dulce
mother smiles down
rough quilter's fingers
lives pieced together
broken bowl
shards bound by gold
embracing our flaws
despite sharp words
fresh love and laughter
peach blossoms
brown in an April freeze
we cling to dreams
scorched hearts
the aquifer within
Scott Wiggerman, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Janet Ruth, Corrales, NM, USA
Claire Vogel Camargo, Austin, TX, USA